
Monday, October 19, 2015


         Systolic is the top number and is always higher than the bottom number. It measures the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats and the muscle contracts. The diastolic is the bottom number , which is lower of the two numbers. It measures the pressure in the arteries between heartbeats, when the muscle is resting between beats and refilling with blood. Blood pressure can be found using a sethascope and a cuff with a air bulb. To measure heart rate you just find your pulse with your fingers. You can not use your thumb because it also has a pulse. To use the blood pressure cuff you first deflate the air bladder of the cuff and place it around your bicep tightly. Than with your other hand you hold the pump. Than inflate the cuff and watch the pressure. Once you cant hear the pulse anymore you stop pumping. At this point blood pressure is cut off. Than you open the valve and wait for a pshhhh sound.

 Heart rates               Test 1                            Test 2                             Average

Pulse rate(radial)        60                                   62                                   61

Pulse rate(Carotid)      59                                   61                                   60

Sethoscope                   50                                  52                                   51

Blood pressure                         Subject 1                                      Subject 2

Blood pressure (Test 1)               122/83                                         120/65

Blood pressure (Test 2)               123/84                                         115/80

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Health is very important in our daily lives. Health is the the measure of our bodys well being. We base our health off of the 5 pillars of health which are nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress and social. The body is healthy when levels of insulin, glycogen, leptin, and cortisol are all balanced. Nutrition is a very important thing. It is food that exerts a biological function in our body. The keys to a healthy diet is moderation and variety, adequete and balance. Nutrients dense is lots of nutrients for relativley low amounts of calories. Fibers consist of whole grains, fruits, veggies, Triglycerides is a source of most dietary fats. Exercise is also very important. It reduces risk of chronic disease and adverse health outcomes. There are 3 metabolic pathways. They are the phosphogen pathway, glycolitic, and oxidative pathway. Some of these depend on how high ones intensity is when working out. Intensity is also defined as MET. Sleep is a sensory shut down and you are no longer aware of the environment. REM is rapid eye movement. Humans need sleep in order to function properly or else they get sleep debt. It is very important for humans to be social because being social can renew old friendships, help you meet new people, and get invited to events. These all play a huge role in my life. I exercise every single day to stay healthy and it is just fun for me. I also sleep alot so that is good because of all the sports I do. My health goals from now on are to try new and healthier foods. I am a very picky person so trying new types of food is important for me especially healthy options.